¿QuiĂ©nes somos?

EsPoesĂ­a es una plataforma para la difusiĂ³n de la cultura, la literatura y la poesĂ­a escrita en lengua castellana. Nos encargamos de mantener viva la tradiciĂ³n y de buscar talento a travĂ©s de esta fantĂ¡stica comunidad de escritores. Si quieres saber quiĂ©nes somos, solo debes echar un vistazo al conjunto de usuarios registrados en esta platafoma. 

GĂ©nero :
Bio :
I'm Jany Lusifer, the marketing director at Gemexi, where we sell silver gemstone jewelry in bulk at reasonable prices because we believe that everyone deserves something special. As this website provides a learning center where people can learn more about gemstones, jewelry, astrology, and the newest trend in fashion jewelry,...
Bio :
I work as a Software Analyst at Technology Counter. My interests include Restaurant POS Software, Payroll Management Software, Employee management Software, Recruitment Management Software, CRM Software, and Best HR Software in India. In my spare time, I like to spend time on the latest technologies. hospital management system hospital management...

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