the City’s founder, Sawai Jai Singh, introduced the gemstone endeavor to Jaipur with the help of a few craftspeople. The founder of the city traced jewelers from across the India to move and designate gem-cutting shops in the pristine City. Over a period of time, the City has developed into an international center of jewelry and gemstones due to some of the world’s most pleasing crafters being asked to settle there. These artisans handed over their jewelry-making expertism to their kids, and the convention resumed through the years. The Pink City Jaipur has adjusted to the modifications to modernize and grow to be in competition globally. And during the era of the Mughals, King Akbar established a gem-cutting and polishing center in Jaipur, which is still well-known for its beautiful gemstone work. Some of the royal homes of Jaipur, known for their custom of the arts, played a crucial role in devising the city’s endeavor in the gemstone industry.
The Gemstone City – Jaipur
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