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  • Sophie Cruz


Sparkling Splendor: Exquisite Gaspeite Jewelry That Shines

Despite being a rare mineral, gaspeite is occasionally found in Western Australia and Canada. Its color is beautiful, apple green or golden green. Due to...

Oceanic Legacy: Fossilized Coral Jewelry for Eternal Beauty

Fossilized Coral is a biological torso of species known to live in a salt chunk of the creation. They agatized, earning this prominence the additional...

Real Turquoise Stone Ring

Turquoise is a costly and scarce rock with a distinctive tint that ranges from green to blue. The good relaxing color of its rock is...

Celestial Splendor: Cavansite Jewelry for Cosmic Elegance

Cavansite is a gemstone that is said to promote peace, tranquility, and spiritual growth, a gemstone that helps you to connect with your higher selves...

Iridescent Illusions: Dico Glass Jewelry for Captivating Elegance

Dico Glass is also famous as Dichroic Glass. It is a kind of artificial glass made of 50-micron-thin layers of several metals that NASA developed...

Natural Turquoise Ring At Wholesale Prices

Turquoise is a costly and scarce rock with a distinctive tint that ranges from green to blue. The good relaxing color of its rock is...

Vibrant Energy: Chrysocolla Jewelry for Empowerment and Courage

The chrysocolla is a stunning blue-green stone. This attractive stone is opaque in transparency and has a vitreous luster. A phyllosilicate mineral called chrysocolla is...

Azure Treasures: Howlite Jewelry for Captivating Serenity

Howlite is a relatively white black hued gemstone that is white with occasional streaks of greyish-black on its surface. It is made of the borate...

Mystical Marvels: Chiastolite Jewelry for Spiritual Connection

Chiastolite, a kind of andalusite, is a beautiful stone. This gorgeous stone comes in brown tones with a hint of yellow. The stone has a...

Chalcedony Jewelry : Enchanting Jewelry from the Earth’s Embrace

Beautiful stones like chalcedony are available in the shades of white, grey, or blue. It has a calming effect and is strongly related to the...

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