Introduction to EB Logistics EB Logistics is a premier logistics service provider, specializing in customs clearance, air cargo services, and global export solutions. With expertise in international cargo services in Pakistan, the company facilitates seamless trade and transportation of goods, ensuring efficient and timely delivery across various international destinations.
Customs Clearance and Freight Forwarding One of the most crucial aspects of international trade is customs clearance. EB Logistics provides hassle-free customs brokerage, helping businesses navigate the complexities of import and export regulations. By ensuring compliance with Pakistan’s customs laws, the company minimizes delays and enhances supply chain efficiency.
Pakistan’s Biggest Exports and Trade customs clearance Opportunities Pakistan is known for its diverse export portfolio, contributing significantly to the global market. The biggest exports of Pakistan include textiles, rice, sports goods, and surgical instruments. The largest export of Pakistan is textile and apparel products, which are in high demand worldwide. Other key Pakistan export products include