Regularly updating your WordPress sites and its backups are compulsory

It is wise to keep the WordPress website updated. A lot of site owners either delay it or ignore it. This results in sudden cyber attacks. Updates can be tedious work and there is always a chance that something may break especially if either the plugins, themes or both malfunction and are not compatible with the latest version.

At times the website can run smoothly. But a lack of updates can have severe consequences and even web developers may not have the answers to such phenomena. 

Hackers thrive on weak websites

Hackers thrive on outdated websites (the way strays thrive in abandoned homes). They exploit neglected vulnerabilities. WordPress updates aren’t child’s play. They don’t just involve adding new features. They also involve closing security gaps hackers want to exploit. Updating may be a hassle, but it is key to keeping the website safe.

Safeguarding the website’s reputation

Failure to update WordPress does put the website at risk. It endangers both the site, its system, and its reputation. Hackers not only catch the data but even plant dirty malware on the website and target the site’s users and visitors alike.

When Google detects malware on the website, it blacklists it and there are more than 10,000 websites blacklisted by Google daily for similar issues. When visitors encounter malware on the site, they will never come back to it.

Hackers can target any kind of site

A common misconception is that only large and popular websites get hacked. The truth is that no website is too big or small enough to get hacked. Any kind of website can be hacked whether it has a few visitors, a thousand or a million. Each website is vulnerable.

Hackers have many times attacked smaller websites because of the assumption they are neither updated nor they have strong security. Hence they are easy to exploit. Outdated WordPress sites are prime targets.

Many WordPress sites are running on outdated versions of plugins, security software, and other things. More than 70% of popular WordPress versions have security flaws that can be fixed by simple updates. They are designed to patch those issues and make websites more secure.

Regularly backing up the website also works. In case a hack or an update causes issues, backing up the website ensures the website can be restored on time with ease.

Getting the latest features and keeping plugins updated

Updating WordPress websites goes beyond security. It allows each business entity owning a WordPress site to enjoy new features and improvements. Each update has the following enhancements:

  • Editing Tools.
  • Performance Amplifications.
  • New Options in Customization.

Professionals in the field of website design Dubai reveal that regularly updating the plugins is just as important as updating the website. Outdated plugins can introduce security vulnerabilities and cause issues in compatibility. This leads to potential website crashes or features malfunctioning repeatedly.

Regular updates help maintain compatibility and stability for WordPress websites

Outdated plugins and themes pose a heightened security risk. They can also ruin the compatibility of several add-ons and plugins with the WordPress website. When site owners update the WordPress website, they can find some older plugins, add-ons, or themes, or all not working at all.

It is inconvenient but it can be a blessing in disguise. Using outdated software can create more security vulnerabilities. Keeping each thing updated ensures the website remains safe, secure, stable, and working in proper condition.

Prevention is better than cure

A problem with not updating the website is that some think it is a cost-saving measure (that may stabilize the website cost in Dubai). Such a perception can literally destroy a website and will far outweigh the benefits regular updates bring.

The costs of rebuilding a damaged website can go in thousands and reach a million dollars. Regularly and timely investing in updates prevents it from crashing like a house of cards. Moreover, a website that got hacked can also be nearly impossible to recover not just because of the costs but also due to data being held hostage.


The most successful WordPress websites are the ones updated regularly. They are also backed up timely and maintained properly. No website is immune to cyber attacks and keeping all software up to date and regularly backing it up is crucial to reducing risks and cyber attacks.

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